Have A Great Attitude
The first rule to getting positive attention from a man is to have a great attitude. A little attitude, as if you know your value can be sexy because it shows that not any old scraggly man can treat you any old kind of way. But remember, there’s a difference between being a little “spunky” and being too difficult to deal with. The average man, pseudo-masochists excluded, doesn’t want to deal with a woman that is always negatively high strung and wants to argue at every turn. Let’s face it, everyone has their days when they aren’t feeling their best, from time to time, but how you deal with those feelings tells a man how you deal with stress, with normal everyday life and in a relationship. This goes for men too. I advise women, if they get involve with a man who is a “hot-head” all the time, to think deeply about their future. It may be tougher than it has to be. An intelligent woman who thinks her way out of a “funk” instead of screaming her way out or acting utterly manic for attention, is going to get more notice from a (real) man. A woman who can laugh at a potentially volatile situation shows a man that, no matter what, her great spirit can’t be broken.
Take Care of Yourself Physically and Mentally
Whenever I talk to women and body image comes up, some say, "why do men always focus on physical beauty, What about personality!", "Why do men focus so much on the outside, what about the inside!", so on and so forth. Biologically, men are looking for a women who will help him make beautiful offspring. Not necessarily that men are trying to have babies with every woman they find attractive. Most women, that a man finds attractive, have a trait or traits that they would like to see in their children. Remember: The sexual urge or desire to reproduce is strong for men. Just because a man wants to sleep with a woman doesn't mean he is necessarily attracted to her. A good friend once told me that when he feels overly aroused before a date, like Ben Stiller's character in "There's Something About Mary", he has to masturbate or "empty the gun" so he can think clearly and not overly sexualize (talk about sexual content, hit on or "turn off") the woman he's taking on the date. Especially dates with women he wouldn't otherwise try to sleep with. Some may say this is sad but it's reality and that's how strong the sexual urge is for most men. I believe women should sympathize and not chastise. With this information, you now know what you're up against and can use your judgment and plan your steps accordingly.
EXPERIMENT: If a man you are interested in, is constantly "coming on strong" or is overly sexual, tell him that he should "empty the gun" before the next date with you starts. Let him know what it means and that you won't hate him for it or think he's a pervert. Let him know that you're perfectly fine with him "emptying". See how he acts on the the next date after he "empties his gun". If he's not overly sexual and is more into you for your mind than your body, then it will help you to understand the real him and allow you to make better decisions about him.
WARNING!: He may not want to fool around if he has already "emptied the gun". If you are sexually aroused, he may not be.
Physical Fitness
Being physically fit is not only attractive to most men (and women), it's important for all humans to maintain optimal health if we want to live long productive lives. We don't have control over everything that determines our life's paths but we do have free will over what we eat and what we do to achieve physical peak performance. Our bodies performs best when we eat healthy and exercise. That's what makes our bodies happy. Point blank, a strong, healthy, happy body is an extreme turn on for men and women.

Not all men like the same physical attributes of a woman. I have a friend who believes that the fascination with certain physical characteristics can be broken down by nationality and/or race. There are men that like a pretty face and the rest of the body doesn't matter, as long as she's thin. My friend, who is asian, says that most asian men feel this way. Then there are men who love breasts and only breasts. He says that white men are generally in this category. And according to my friend, black men are known to be all about the booty. With Latin men being all about curves. Sort of an all-around thickness.
Mental Fitness
An intelligent woman who is well read is an absolute turn on for most (real) men but with the intelligence you must understand that debating or making a point with a man can be fun for you and the man but again arguing all the time is not sexy. As a matter of fact, it can be quite draining. A man can only tolerate it for so long before it becomes a burden and he starts looking for the exit of the relationship. Checking each others intelligence, wit and awareness can be fun but only once in a while. Again, read books and periodicals, take classes and talk to people to stay sharp and don't forget to laugh.
Sense of Humor
Laughing has to be the most effortless yet sexiest things a woman can do. The ability to laugh can take you a long way. I still remember Julia Roberts' character in the movie "Pretty Woman" when Richard Gere slammed close the lid of a jewelry box as Julia Roberts' reaches to touch the jewelry. She pulls her hand away as he closes the box and she lets out this laugh that starts from the pit of her stomach and released it with such ferociousness. The laugh was SO cute, sexy, infectious and extremely memorable. The ability to laugh is a gift from God and is so sexy. We all should have a sense of humor especially if you're trying to capture the attention of the opposite sex.
Style: Developing Your Own Look
A great way to get attention is to develop your style. Having your own look is also a very strong turn on and adds dimension to you.